Most vehicle drivers on the road today have a special car key known as a transponder key. Transponder keys were invented specifically to help prevent vehicle thefts and car-jacking. Any vehicle made past the mid-1990s will have a transponder key, as they became mandatory for vehicle manufacturers to make during this time. Losing your transponder key is a little different compared to losing any other type of key. Keep reading to learn more about transponder keys, as well as the best way to replace your transponder key fast.
How Transponder Keys Work
Transponder keys work by using electronic communication. Inside of your vehicle and your key are transponder chips. These two chips are connected and programmed to recognize each other when in close proximity. As soon as a connection is established between the two, you will be able to insert your key into the ignition and start your vehicle.
A clear connection must be made for your car to start. A spare vehicle key that is not programmed with a transponder chip will not be able to start your car. If you lose your transponder key, your car won’t turn on or be drivable until you receive a new one. This helps increase vehicle security, but can be frustrating when you don’t have a spare.